Hi ho   ne ho wa se   we ki ni
(Hello my good friend.)
"Procession Before War Dance", Ernest Spybuck    Credit: National Museum of the American Indian, Smithsonian Institution (02/5735).
Absentee Shawnee Tribe of Indians of Oklahoma
The Absentee Shawnee Tribe is primarily located in the heart of central Oklahoma with approximately 4,723 members who live in all parts of the world as of as of December 31, 2024. Our tribal government complex is located in Shawnee, Oklahoma. Our logo features Tecumseh, a Shawnee warrior and visionary leader, who worked to unite tribes in a common homeland where Indians could live under their own laws and leaders. He died in October 1813, in battle near the area of present day Thamesville, in Toronto, Canada. The LI-SI-WI-NWI in our logo means “Among the Shawnee”
Latest Announcements & Upcoming Events

Most Recent

February 12 Closure due to weather


Presidents' Day Closure


Governor Johnson Press Release Regarding ICE


Little Axe Youth Rec Soccer 2025


Miss, Jr. Miss, and Little Miss Indian Oklahoma City applications now open!


February 12 Closure due to weather

The Absentee Shawnee Tribe will be closed Wednesday February 12 2025 due to inclement weather.

Presidents' Day Closure

The Absentee Shawnee Tribe will be closed Monday February 17 in observance of Presidents' Day.

Governor Johnson Press Release Regarding ICE

Little Axe Youth Rec Soccer 2025

Little Axe Youth Rec Soccer 2025 All Games Played in Little Axe Parent/Coaches Meeting will be held February 25th, 6:30-7:00pm $15 AFTER Feb. 25 price increases to $20 OPEN FOR BOYS & GIRLS 3-18 Y.O. SIGNUPS BEGIN JAN. 27 AND GO THROUGH MARCH 21ST. MAX CHARGE 2 YOUTH PER FAMILY.  SIGN-UPS WILL BE: ·ANYTIME MONDAY THROUGH THURSDAY 5pm - 6-m starting Jan. 27 WE WILL HAVE EVENING SIGNUPS FROM  6-7:30 PM ON FEB 25TH SIGNUP AT BRENDLE CORNER COMM BUILDING LOCATED OFF OF HIGHWAY 9 JUST EAST OF 192ND IN WHITE CHURCH LOOKING BUILDING  Practices can begin as early as March 17th Season will be April 5th through Approx June  7th Any questions contact Blake Goodman at bgoodman@astribe.com or 405.617.6231

Special EC Meeting Update

Tribal members,
Due to the recent number of outbreaks within several departments of the Shawnee campus, the Executive Committee has agreed that no visitors would be allowed during the Special EC meeting, 10/7/2020.  Please understand we are here to protect all tribal members as well as the staff that will be in attendance.  You may review the agenda on the web page as well as the meeting video.  This video will upload immediately following the meeting.
Thank you
The Executive Committee

Special EC Meeting 10/7/20

Special Executive Committee Meeting

Wednesday, Oct. 7, 2020

Governor’s Conference Room

11:00 A.M.

COVID-19 Relief Fund Programs

On behalf of the Absentee Shawnee Tribe of Oklahoma, the Executive Committee has established the following COVID-19 Relief Funds Programs.  The Executive Committee understands the impact this pandemic has had on our AST community and wants nothing more than to help serve our people. With this being said, the following programs have been opened on 9/28/2020:

September ASTHA/LSWN Health Board Meeting

The September ASTHA/LSWN Health Board Meeting will take place on Tuesday, 9/22/20 at 8:30 AM.

EC Meeting Notice

Due to CDC restrictions the Executive Committee will allow only 10 visitors/Tribal members to attend tomorrows EC meeting, 9-16-2020.  If you are needing to attend, you must contact the Governor’s office to be added to the list.  Once again, we are only allowing 10 visitors/tribal members on campus during this time.    In order to keep everyone safe and social distance we will follow all guidelines until further notice.


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