It is the goal of the Absentee-Shawnee Tribe of Oklahoma to foster a strong and stable Tribal Government so we can exercise our authority as a sovereign nation/ to upgrade the current court services by expanding its caseload consistently each year to meet the needs of tribal members and other Native Americans within the tribal jurisdiction. The Absentee Shawnee Tribal Court consist of three Supreme Court Justices, 2 District Court Judges, 1 Special Judge and two Alternate Supreme/District Court Judges.
The District Court is scheduled two times monthly and is able to respond to emergency situations. The Supreme Court is called into session when necessary and upon the filing of an appeal.
The Absentee Shawnee Tribal Court handles civil, criminal, Indian Child Welfare matters, juvenile matters and Wellbriety (Drug and Alcohol) matters. The Court provides a limited selection of sample forms to assist pro se litigants for many civil actions, such as divorce, guardianship, custody and judgments. The Absentee Shawnee Tribal Court also provides Marriage Licenses.
A limited selection of sample forms are available below or in the Court Clerk's office. A list of Court Fees is listed below, and in the Court Clerk's office. For all documents that are filed a Contact Sheet, which is located below or in the Court Clerk's office, is required. All forms can be retyped and adjusted to fit each parties personal needs.
The Court Clerk's Office is not allowed to advise you on what to write on your pleadings. If you need assistance in filling it out. You may need to consult with or seek an attorney. You can contact Legal Aid or Oklahoma Indian Legal Services for assistance, but you must meet their criteria to receive assistance.
The Court Clerk's office does not provide court order's for any case unless ordered by the Judge. You are responsible for any and all pleadings and pleading's provided in the Absentee Shawnee Tribal Court kiosk are the pleadings offered by the Court Clerk's office. If you are seeking additional pleadings not provided please contact an attorney.
All cases must be paid for when filing. The Absentee Shawnee Tribe accepts money orders made out to the Absentee Shawnee Tribe.
A contact sheet must be filed with each case. It is up to you to notify the court of any address changes.
Monday - Friday 8am-5pm
Closed for Lunch 12-1pm
Last filing of the day accepted at 4:30pm
Email all filings to
Chelsea Cope
Court Clerk
405.275.4030 x 3523
Ashley Hudson
Deputy Court Clerk
405.275.4030 x 3524
2025 Gordon Cooper Drive
Shawnee, OK 74801
Fax: 405.273.7193
Robert Gifford
J. Trevor Hammons
Gary Pitchlynn
David Howell
Michael Warwick
Free Legal Assistance with income qualifications.
Legal Aid - Shawnee, OK 405.275.6870
Oklahoma Indian Legal Service 405.943.6457
Child Support Assistance
Tribal Child Support Services 405.382.1510