The 83rd Semi Annual General Council will be held Saturday April 20th 2019 at 10:00 am at the Health Multipurpose Building located on the AST Complex 2025 S. Gordon Cooper Dr. Shawnee, Ok.
Beading Class part 2 has been postponed due to funeral and respect of our tribe we will have to reschedule the Beading Class at a later date. Thank you!
From The Election Commission: Tribal Members: The Primary Election will be held on Saturday, March 16, 2019. The voting polls will be located at the Little Axe Resource Center (1970 156th Ave NE, Norman, Ok and at the AST Health Multipurpose Building at the Tribal Complex 2025 S. Gordon Cooper Drive, Shawnee, Ok. The polls will be open from 8:00 am to 6:00 pm at both locations.
The Absentee Shawnee Tribe is hosting tax preparation for AST tribal members, widows/widowers of AST tribal members and employees, who meet the low-to moderate maximum income threshold of $55,000, for tax year 2018. This free service will be held at Shawnee Multipurpose building, 2029 South Gordon Cooper Dr, every Tuesday and Thursday evenings from 5:30 pm to 8:00 pm. and Saturdays from 9:00 am to 12 pm.
The Executive Committee has agree to close all businesses (complex closed) on Thursday, February 28, 2019 for a "Day of Mourning" for John L. Sloat First AST Governor and 2014 Oklahoma Military Hall of Fame Inductee. He served in the Korean War and 2 tours in the Vietnam War. He served his country with pride and honor earning several high commendations that included two Silver Stars, two Bronze Star Medals and three Purple Hearts.
Tax Preparation for Tuesday, February 26th and February 28th has been canceled. The next session will be Saturday March 2, 2019 from 9 am to 12 pm at the Multipurpose Building located at the Absentee Shawnee Tribal Complex.
Beading Class that was scheduled for tonight has been postponed. The Part two Class will be on February 28th at 6pm at Little Axe Resource Center in Little Axe. Please contact Kim Billie at 405.275.4030 ext 6416 for any questions.
All Tribal Members and Employees Tax Preparation will not be available on Saturday February 16th 2019, due to the Holiday. Will resume services on Tuesday Feb 19, 2019.
Absentee Shawnee Complex will be closed on Monday February 18, 2019 in observance of President's Day. The Complex will reopen on Tuesday Feb 19, 2019 at 8:00 am.
Call Kathy Deere for Appointment
The location for Tax Preparation is on the Absentee Shawnee Tribal Complex in Shawnee at the Multi-Purpose Building. The time will be every Tuesday and Thursday evenings from 5:30 to 8:00 P.M. and Saturday mornings from 9:00 to Noon except March 16th being Election Day.
Beginning Tuesday, February 05th, those meeting the Low-to-Moderate income threshold for FY2019, $55,000 Tax Year 2018 is eligible for free Income Tax filing, FORM 1040 & 1040A.
Please bring all tax documentation, Photo Identification for each adult, Social Security Cards for all people to be listed on the forms, 1099’s, W-2’s, 1099-R’s, medical and dental expense, last years’ taxes and receipts for any charitable donations.