Announcements & Events

Due to continued concerns around the Covid-19 pandemic, the Absentee Shawnee Tribe is taking necessary steps to limit exposure and risk to Tribal Members and Tribal Employees.  During our phases of re-opening/recovering services for the tribe, departments will be working in several different capacities and on differing schedules.  This page is to assist tribal members find the information on when and how to work with departments.   Departments are listed alphabetically, and will be added as we recieve information on their schedule.  You can also go to the departments main page, using the links above, to get more information on that department.       Enrollment Department Office hours Monday & Tuesday 9am to 2pm, working remotely W-F. Contact Information:   Realty Department Beginning the week of May 11, 2020 the Realty Department will be available as follows:   Leasing Monday’s & Tuesday’s 9:-00 – 2:00  – The following Realty staff will be available working on past leasing back log and the 2020 Farming & Grazing Bid sale d tentative date to be held on July 1, 2020.  Also will be available to assist Indian landowners with their Realty questions including information about their IIM Account.  Charlotte Valero – Director Taylor Carter – Realty Specialist Kimberlee Billie – Realty Clerk   Probates Wednesday’s and Thursday’s, 9:00 – 2:00 – The following Realty Staff will be available working on accounts payables/receivables and Probates. Also will be available to assist Indian landowners with their Realty questions including information about their IIM Account. Cara Usrey – Realty Specialist Yecica Gutierrez -  Realty Assistant     Office Contact Information: 405.275.4030 Charlotte Valero, Realty Director – ext. 6246  Cell # 405.827.0619 Taylor Carter , Realty Specialist – ext. 6247 Cell # 405.827.0694 Cara Usrey, Realty Specialist – ext. 6248 Yecica Gutierrez, Realty Assistant – ext. 6420 Kimberlee Billie – ext. 6235   NO appointments will be allowed at this time only telephone appointments will be conducted.  All documents will have to be mailed to the Realty Office, 2025 South Gordon Cooper Drive, Shawnee, OK  74801.    Social Service Office hours Monday & Tuesday 9am to 2pm, working remotely W-F. Contact Information: email:  voice: 405.488.5162   Tag Agency Hours of Operation:  Monday, Wednesday, Friday: 8AM – NOON & 1PM – 5PM The staff will be doing its part in helping to alleviate any motor vehicle concerns by continuing to process through the outlined procedures below: FOR NEW REGISTRATION: Please email: or Call: 405.275.4030 ext. 6237 For further instructions.   FOR RENEWAL: OPTION #1- BY MAIL • Please include copies of your CDIB, valid Oklahoma driver license, current Oklahoma insurance. OPTION #2- BY DROP BOX (Shawnee location only: west entrance of AST Police building • Please include copies of your CDIB, valid Oklahoma driver license, current Oklahoma insurance. OPTION #3- BY EMAIL • Please include copies of your CDIB, valid Oklahoma driver license, current Oklahoma insurance. PAYMENT OPTIONS FOR ALL TRANSACTIONS • Payments accepted at this time: Check, Cashier check, Money order, Credit or Debit card. **In order to process by Credit/Debit, we will need the Credit Card Authorization form located on or forms will be next to the drop box.** NOTE: Please be patient with us as we work through this difficult time and understand we will work diligently to get your motor vehicle documents back to you as quickly as possible by mail. For any questions regarding penalties/amount owed due to closure please call the number listed.
The Absentee Shawnee Tribe is in the process of reopening the Shawnee Administrative Campus.  As previously stated, the AST Recovery Plan consists of 4 phases.  Phase one will begin on Monday, May 11th. Elected officials, department heads, and essential employees will return to campus to perform necessary functions. In the coming days, all other employees will be notified by their management team on expected return-to-work dates.   Regarding tribal members and campus access, the AST campus, although open, is running with a minimum number of personnel. We recommend if a tribal member requires assistance, please call or email a director with your question.  If a trip to campus is needed to remedy an issue, we will schedule an appointment to ensure the correct staff member is present and available to assist you.  We appreciate your consideration during this time.  Our priority is the health and well-being of our tribal members and employees, and we strongly believe opening in phases is in the best interest of everyone.  
  The Absentee Shawnee Tribe initially issued a declaration of emergency on March 18, 2020. Based on public health information and emergency management data, we have extended the declaration to May 24, 2020.  AST officials are working on a four-phased approach to reopen the campus.   Phase 1 will open the complex to essential staff ONLY. Department heads will work with employees to determine who is deemed essential during this initial phase, and guidelines and restrictions will be strictly enforced. Currently, our target date for initiation of Phase 1 is May 11th.  The start dates for Phases 2, 3 and 4 will be dependent upon the successful implementation of Phase 1.   Again, we are taking this approach as a matter of caution.  Our primary objective is the protection of our employees and members.  We will continue to follow guidance from the Center for Disease Control (CDC) and the Federal Emergency Management Administration (FEMA).    Please continue to visit AST's website and Facebook page for updates on our COVID-19 Recovery Plan.  
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The Absentee Shawnee Tribal Complex will be closed to employees and visitors on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, April 1-3, 2020. The Executive Committee is requiring all buildings and departments to be thoroughly cleaned and sanitized. Your cooperation is greatly appreciated and again please stay safe, wash your hands and take all CDC precautions. Thank you
AST Tribal Members, Due to the growing concerns about COVID-19, the Tax Commission is taking necessary steps to limit  exposure to Tribal members.  Due to the mandated closure, our office will be closed to the general  public from March 23 through April 3.  However, the tax staff will be doing its part in helping to  alleviate any motor vehicle concerns by continuing to process through the outline procedures below: FOR RENEWAL OPTION   # 1 - BY MAIL. o    Please include copies of your CDIB, valid Oklahoma driver license, current Oklahoma insurance. o    Payments accepted at this time:  Checks, Cashier Checks, Money Orders, Credit or Debit card.       **ln order to process by Credit/Debit,  we will need the Credit Card Authorization Form located on or forms will be next to the drop box** OPTION    #2- BY DROP BOX (Shawnee Location only:  AST Police building) o    Please include copies of your CDIB, valid Oklahoma driver license, current Oklahoma insurance. o    Payments accepted at this time:  Checks, Cashier Checks, Money Orders, Credit or Debit       card. **ln order to process by Credit/Debit, we will need the Credit Card Authorization      Form located on or forms will be next to the drop box**   OPTION    #3 – BY EMAIL. Please email us at: o    Please include copies of your CD IB, valid Oklahoma driver license, current Oklahoma insurance. o    Payments accepted at this time:  Checks, Cashier Checks, Money Orders, Credit or Debit card.       **ln order to process by Credit/Debit,  we will need the Credit Card Authorization Form located on or forms will be next to the drop box**     FOR NEW REGISTRATIONS (If you recently purchased a New/Used vehicle, etc.) •   Please call the tag office at 275-4030 ext. 6237 or email for further  instructions.   NOTE: Please be patient with us as we work through this difficult time and understand we will work  diligently to get your motor vehicle documents back to you as quickly as possible by mail. For any questions regarding penalties/amount owed due to closure please call the number listed.   Best Regards AST Tax Commission   
  AST Tribal Members, Due to the growing concerns about COVID-19, the Tax Commission is taking necessary steps to limit  exposure to Tribal members.  Due to the mandated closure, our office will be closed to the general  public from March 23 through April 3.  However, the tax staff will be doing its part in helping to  alleviate any motor vehicle concerns by continuing to process through the outline procedures below: FOR RENEWAL OPTION   # 1 - BY MAIL. o    Please include copies of your CD IB, valid Oklahoma driver license, current Oklahoma insurance. o    Payments accepted at this time:  Checks, Cashier Checks, Money Orders, Credit or Debit card.       **ln order to process by Credit/Debit,  we will need the Credit Card Authorization Form located on or forms will be next to the drop box** OPTION    #2- BY DROP BOX (Shawnee Location only:  AST Police building) o    Please include copies of your CDIB, valid Oklahoma driver license, current Oklahoma insurance. o    Payments accepted at this time:  Checks, Cashier Checks, Money Orders, Credit or Debit       card. **ln order to process by Credit/Debit, we will need the Credit Card Authorization      Form located on or forms will be next to the drop box**   Option #3  BY EMAIL. Please email: Please include copies of your CDIB, valid Oklahoma driver license, current Oklahoma insurance. Payments accepted at this time: Checks, Cashier Checks, Money Orders, Credit or Debit card. ** In order to process by Credit/Debit, we will need the Credit Card Authorization form located on or forms will be next to the drop box** FOR NEW REGISTRATIONS (If you recently purchased a new/used vehicle, etc.) •   Please call the tag office at 275-4030 ext. 6237 or email for further  instructions.   NOTE: Please be patient with us as we work through this difficult time and understand we will work  diligently to get your motor vehicle documents back to you as quickly as possible by mail. For any questions regarding penalties/amount owed due to closure please call the number listed.   Best Regards AST Tax Commission 
Subject: Title VI Meal disbursement for March 23-27, 2020. Due to the ongoing Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic the Title VI meal program has made meal disbursement changes this week. In an effort to limit exposure to our elders while at the same time continuing to provide a very necessary service, we are implementing preventative measures. See the schedule below for elderly meals through the Title VI Program for the week of March 23-27th: For homebound elders receive: Monday 1 hot meal and 1 sack lunch (milk/juice) Wednesday 1 hot meal and 2 sack lunches (milk/juice) Homebound meal delivery on Monday & Wednesday: 4 Title VI drivers will be accompanied by 4 health staff Meals will be delivered beginning at 10:00am (health staff to arrive at 9:00am) Elders to Pick up Meals at Shawnee Title VI (LA Title VI will be closed): Monday 10:00am-2:00pm 5 frozen dinners for each elder not homebound For all non-homebound elders, you will be receiving a call this weekend to be informed of these changes. For any inquiries please contact Absentee Shawnee Tribal Health System at 405.701.7621.   To stay abreast of changes and access the most current information, please bookmark the COVID-19 on the following website: Additionally our AST Health System now is providing a 24/7 AST Health System 24 hour LIVE Corona Virus (COVID-19) Information Number: 405.695.1787 to help tribal members. Ne-yi-wa!
The Absentee Shawnee Tribe has been monitoring the COVID-19 situation in conjunction with the Emergency Management Department and Health Systems. We have recently enacted additional procedures to safeguard the health and safety of our tribal members, staff and community. The Absentee Shawnee Campus will remain closed to visitors through April 3rd to comply with recommendations from the CDC in limiting exposure risks to tribal members and staff. We will continue to have essential departments working remotely to ensure major operations of the tribe are not impaired during this time. If you need additional information regarding COVID-19 please call 405.695.1787. We know that many of our elders depend on the meal service from Title VI and these services will continue to be provided. More information will be sent out regarding this soon. We will continue to monitor and adjust these procedures as the situation evolves. We take the health and safety of our tribal members, employees, and community of the utmost importance and appreciate your understanding during this time.
The Tribal Easter Egg hunt for April 4, 2020 has been canceled to help prevent the spread of the COVID-19 virus.
After further review of the CDC guidelines for the COVID-19, the Executive Committee has decided to keep the complex closed the remainder of the week. I highly recommend for all employees to please remain indoors and take all necessary precautions during this time. The EC is evaluating the situation on a daily basis so any new updates will be sent out as they come in. A new update for next week’s work schedule will be sent out on Friday, March 20, 2020. Thank you


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