Announcements & Events

Today a regular Executive Committee meeting was conducted with the newly elected members. Please welcome Treasurer Joseph Blanchard, Representative Alicia Miller and Lt. Governor Kenneth Blanchard (re-elected). Three resolutions were passed with one being tabled. The tabled resolution pertains to the priority list and the “draft” road map of the CARES Act spending plan. This resolution will be presented again at a Special EC meeting on Tuesday, July 21, 2020 at 2:00 p.m. This will allow the newly elected members adequate time to request information, ask any questions or address any concerns they may have. The Media department is currently closed. The Executive Committee is working together on a temporary plan to get the upcoming newsletter out in a timely manner. Due to this closure, you will find today’s EC meeting on the AST website. It will be located on the Tribal member video page. The Emergency management team is keeping track of the COVID case numbers and providing daily updates. Unfortunately, the numbers continue to rise. Please continue to follow all CDC guidelines - wash your hands, wear your mask, and attempt to maintain 6 feet of distance between you and those outside of your household.
Due to safety precautions the AST Enrollment Department will be closed until July 23rd.   Tribal members can contact Enrollment by email at or
The Absentee Shawnee Tribe and Thunderbird Entertainment want to inform our tribal members, employees and guests that on July 9, the Thunderbird Casino in Norman received confirmation that two employees tested positive for COVID-19.  The employees were on site the evening of July 8; both were properly wearing mandated personal protective equipment (PPE).  The employees are recovering and are currently quarantined at home.     Out of an abundance of caution, and in order to protect our employees and guests, Thunderbird Entertainment will close the Norman casino at 10pm tonight (July 9). The environmental service team will conduct a thorough cleaning of the casino.  The casino is expected to reopen Saturday (July 11) at 10 am.    The Absentee Shawnee Tribe and Thunderbird Entertainment continues to follow CDC guidelines for cleaning and social distancing and encourages guests to do the same. Should you experience symptoms of COVID-19, please call the AST Health System Hotline at 405.695.1787.    Thunderbird Casino Shawnee remains open and will continue operating regular business hours. 
On Thursday, the Absentee Shawnee Tribe was notified an employee was PROBABLE for COVID-19.  We have not received confirmation at this time; however, out of an abundance of caution we have decided to close the Shawnee complex Thursday (July 9th) and Friday (July 10th).  Our cleaning crews will start a terminal cleaning process tomorrow.  All areas this individual may have visited will be deep cleaned to help prevent the spread of infection. We will keep you updated on this situation. 
Over the last several days we have watched the COVID-19 numbers grow. Tuesday’s positive cases increased by 858; Wednesday’s positive cases increased by 673.  In an attempt to protect citizens, communities across Oklahoma and some counties within AST boundaries have started to issue the mandatory wearing of masks – including the City of Norman. Please continue to follow CDC guidelines.  We have attached a graphic as a reminder of some precautions you can take to protect you and your family. 
Tribal members, COVID-19 case numbers are on the rise. As we are heading into a holiday weekend, I would like to remind you to continue to take precautions and follow CDC guidelines. Please continue to wear a mask when you can. Also, take a look at this article published by the CDC on how to help slow the spread of the virus.  
The Absentee Shawnee Tribe has been monitoring the COVID-19 situation. For the safety of our members and employees, we have decided to remain in Phase II until further notice. Restrictions remaining in place are as follows:     Continued mandatory temperature/symptom checkpoint upon entry into the complex Shawnee Complex will be open to tribal members by appointment only. Vulnerable individuals should remain working remotely. Building Blocks will remain open for employee child care only. All business travel is prohibited. Out of state personal travel must be reported to the Department of Public Safety and will require a self-quarantine or testing before returning to the workplace. Supervisors are required to do temperature checks at the end of each day and immediately report to HR if someone registers with a fever of 100.4 or above.   
Due to the rise of Covid cases and out of abundance of safety for our ICW children and staff, the ICW department will be available by appointment only, effective Thursday,  June 25, 2020. Temperatures will be taken upon entry and masks will be issued as needed. The ICW staff can be reached by phone, 405.395.4490, Monday-Friday; 8am -5pm. Thank you for your cooperation.   
AST Members, Convid-19 checks are being processed by the Finance Department on a rolling basis as we receive the applications from the Secretary’s Office.  You will receive your check by mail; there are no exceptions.  Please do no contact the Finance Department asking :”Where is my check?”  Calling will not drive us any quicker. Your application and check is being processed as quickly as possible.    Moreover, the mailing process is underway. Treasurer Ellis
  Absentee Shawnee Tribal Elections are this Saturday, June 20th. Voting locations will be in Little Axe at the Resource Center and on the Shawnee complex in the Multi Purpose Building. Polls open from 8 am - 6 pm. Please wear your mask and be safe.
Please complete the form below.  In order to meet the requirements of a live signature, this form must be mailed to:    2025 S. Gordon Cooper Drive, ATTN Enrollment Department.  Shawnee, OK 74801 or Delivered to the Enrollment department on campus.  If you have questions around eligibility or need to contact enrollment, they ask that you email your questions to:  Checks will be mailed to the address on the application.  The address on the application must match the address Enrollment has on file. Please allow 4-7 business days to process payment, once the form is submitted and approved.  Checks will be mailed on the processing cycle of the finance department, this may add a couple of days to the processing cycle.     COVID Application Form - Click to open - Right click and pick Save As to download
I am happy to announce that the EC passed a resolution today that allows for every enrolled Absentee Shawnee Tribal member to receive General Welfare assistance for the hardships we are all dealing with during this COVID-19 pandemic. Enrolled AST adults will receive one payment of $3000, and every enrolled child (17 and under) will receive one payment of $1500. Members must have been enrolled on or before June 1, 2020. But, in order to receive your payment, EACH eligible member MUST fill out an application (parents will fill out the application for their minor children) and submit to the Tribe. The application will be posted on the Tribe's website Monday, and we will also have staff at the multi-purpose building handing out applications and accepting them from 9am to 1pm Monday (June 15), Tuesday (June 16) and Wednesday (June 17). All members will have to provide a copy of their CDIB card. The last day to turn in applications will be December 1, 2020. I really hope this money will help our members during these tough times.    - Governor John Johnson      
Today’s Special EC meeting for today has been postponed due to conflicting factors from Treasurer Ellis and Lt. Governor Blanchard.  The new proposed Special meeting date will be June 12, 2020 at 10:00am.
  Upon my recommendation the Absentee Shawnee Tribe created a committee to oversee the funding released to our tribe from the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act.  We are working on plans and programs for the immediate distribution of these funds.  Please keep in mind there are many regulations and terms attached to these dollars, and money must be spent accordingly.  The following are several programs we are working towards finalizing: General Welfare Income Relief Program (open to membership) Tribal Member Business Support Program (open to membership) Renovations and upgrades related to COVID prevention and recovery Emergency Management Equipment Emergency Food Bank   We are working closely with government officials, auditors, and others to finalize our internal processes for distribution. We will keep membership updated, and we thank you for your patience  
In an effort to keep our citizens safe and healthy, the Absentee Shawnee Tribe and AST Emergency Management have procured reusable, cloth masks to supply to every Tribal member (within boundaries and at-large). Distribution will begin on June 2nd and can be accomplished in three ways: Pick up from 10am – 12pm on Tuesdays and Thursdays at the checkpoint located at the main entrance of the administrative complex in Shawnee, By hand-delivery, or By mail If you choose to have your mask hand-delivered or mailed, please contact Chad Larman at 405.275.4030 ext. 6391 to make arrangements. 


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